God bless America. Free continental breakfast.
The next time somebody tries to sell you something, ask them:
If it’s true that what you’re selling is worth the price you’re asking for it, and that it will service a real need that I have, then why is it necessary for you to put so much effort into persuading me to buy it?
If they can give you a good answer to that question, then purchase the product immediately.
If you ever find that you don’t know how to follow instructions, I’ve prepared the following set of simple instructions (which you can easily commit to memory with the mnemonic “FRIED”):
How to Follow Instructions
That oughta work.
The other day my step-cousin and I tried to solve the chicken-and-egg question, from an evolutionary one-of-them-must-have-come-first perspective:
Assuming that there is some (probably arbitrary) dividing line in the evolutionary tree between pre-chicken and chicken, then there must have been a "first chicken" at some point - let's call her Lucy. Lucy's parents were, by definition, not chickens, but Lucy's mother laid an egg containing a chicken (by some lucky mutation or something). Lucy then must have laid her own egg, which not only (I think it's safe to assume) also contained a chicken, but additionally was laid by a chicken. So which egg are we talking about? This reveals an ambiguity in the original question. The question is
The question's not so interesting anymore. So since we're thinking about evolutionary progression, how about this question:
A family friend recently told me the following joke:
Why do programmers get Christmas and Halloween confused? Because Dec(imal) 25 == Oct(al) 31.