
Some occasions when I have said things orally, and any related resources.

2019-05-10: Computationology: The Good Weird Parts

A talk at the 8th Light University meetup in Chicago, on computational complexity and recursion theory.

Video [mp4]

Slides [pdf]

2018-11-30: What Are All These Class Files Even About? And Other Stories

A talk at ClojureConj 2018 on the relationship between Clojure bytecode and the Clojure dynamic runtime.

Video [youtube]

Slides [pdf]

2018-11-01: Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars

An updated version of the vars talk of the same title from three years earlier (described below), given remotely for the Clojure PDX meetup group.

Slides [pdf]

There's a video on youtube, but the first 36 minutes are less watchable due to accidental audio and video disruption.

2017-10-12: Building test.check Generators

A talk at ClojureConj 2017 on techniques and challenges of building test.check generators.

Video [youtube]

Slides [pdf]

2017-08-03: QuineDB

A lightning talk at Open Source Open Mic on QuineDB.

Slides [pdf]

2015-04-21: Purely Random

A talk at ClojureWest 2015 on splittable random number generators and their application to test.check.

Video [youtube]

Slides [pdf]

2015-02-25: Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars

A deep dive into virtually every aspect of Clojure's vars, given at the Chicago Clojure meetup group.

Slides [pdf]

2014-11-18: How to Program your Quantum Computer

A shorter and more polished version of the 2012 talk by the same name, also at Geekfest1 in Chicago.

Slides [html]

2014-11-05: Quantum Computing

A longer, more rambly, and in-depth version of the 2012 talk on quantum computing, this time for a delightfully tiny audience at the North Shore Fringe Coders2 meetup group.

Slides [html]

2014-09-24: Probabilistic Algorithm for Testing Primality

This talk at the Papers We Love meetup group introduced the background and some of the content of this paper on the Miller-Rabin primality test.

Slides [pdf]

2013-03-28: Metaprogramming: Clojure vs. Ruby

Gave an overview of the methods of metaprogramming in Clojure and Ruby, and argued that metaprogramming in Clojure is both easier to understand and less necessary.

2013-03-20: Swearjure

A lightning talk given at ClojureWest 2013.

Video [infoq]

Slides [pdf]

2013-03-19: Macros: Why, When, and How

An introduction to Clojure Macros given at ClojureWest 2013.

Video [infoq]

Slides [pdf]

2013-02-12: Turn Your Parentheses Up To Eleven

An introduction to Clojure macros given at Geekfest1, preparing for the ClojureWest talk.

2013-01-10: Introduction to ClojureScript

At Codemash, similar to the Geekfest talk from earlier.

2012-12-18: Core.logic Workshop

This was an introductory workshop given at the Chicago Clojure meetup group. It involved a clone of of 4clojure that had logic problems to solve. The 4clojure site is no longer up, but the source of the problems can be found here.

2012-12-04: Introduction to ClojureScript

At Geekfest1.

2012-09-18: Geekfest: How to Program your Quantum Computer

A talk given at Geekfest1 introducing Quantum Computing with a quantum circuit simulator embedded in the slides (which was eventually repackaged standalone here).

Slides [html]

2012-08-07: (neato clojure.core.logic)

A workshop introducing the core.logic clojure library, at Geekfest1 meetup.


1. Geekfest is no-longer active; it was previously organized at http://www.meetup.com/Geekfest/.

2. North Shore Fringe Coders is no longer active; it was previously organized at http://www.meetup.com/Northshore-Fringe-Coders.